I'm in Ohio, and in Sept 07, my friend got a 2nd chance offer on ebay for a car, however his bank hadnt cleared a big check yet so he didnt have enough money in it, I agreed to pay for the car ($1500) with my credit card, since he said he'd have me paid off in a week (In addition to the $1500, there is another $140 owed to me for work I did on another vehicle of his, for the parts/supplies). Shortly there after, his bank account when nuts, and his bank showed him in the negative 9 million or so, so being nice I was like ok, just pay the minimum payment to me and I'll be happy with that. October he had only a partial pymt of $20 which he paid, the next month would have been the full $40 min pymt due. He hasn't paid me anything since that $20, and isn't reponding to any of my attempts to contact him/etc, and I cant afford to pay this myself. I have the print outs from paypal showing in the notes the pymt was for him for this car/etc. I dont know what to do. One time he did say the reason he isnt paying me is because I didn't pay for these other 2 cars he bought at an auction, though I never agreed to pay for them, and that made his new bank acct go negative too. Basicly just seems like an excuse to not pay me. I just need to know what I can do to get my money back and all, as when it comes to legal issues, I'm clueless. Thanks in advance!