Frivolous case

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My father owns a small business and his only employee was supposedly in an accident on Aug 18, 2005. The case was filed Aug 17, 2007. I'lll call the employee Joe.

He was going to work about 5am down a dirt road. The plantiff was fighting with her boyfriend and her boyfriend was beating on her while they were driving. He supposedly pulled her out the car and was beating her in the middle of the road when the Joe came by and supposedly ran over her legs and body.

Joe did hit their dog killing it so he was obviously going somewhat fast(well, atleast 15-20mph I suppose). Joe says he stopped to see what happened and all that and the boyfriend pulled a gun on him so he left. The police came and filed a report and talked to him. He says he did not run over her(and I'm assuming if he did then he would have been arrested for failure to render aid and leaving the scene of an accident. If he was going fast enough to kill a dog then he would have severly injured the plaintiff).

I do not know all the details yet as my father was just served yesterday and he did not know anything about it before about a week ago. Joe did mention this to my father when the incident occured.

The insurance company talked to my father and said that this woman field an insurance claim for a similar issue the very next day of the incident. She also has many alias's and several other cases. She did have surgery on her leg before then. The case she filed the next day had something to do with some other similar incident involving her legs.

The Attorny for the plaintiff claims that Joe is a negligent driver and claims the following:

Failing to keep such lookout as a person of ordinary prudence whould have kept under same circumstances, failing to timely apply brakes, failing to try and avoid collision, driving at a high rate of speed, failing to observe the incapacitated person.

The papers also state that the plaintiff did see Joe comming and "The occurrence made the basis of the suit, refered to the above paragraph, and the resulting injuries and damages were proximately caused by the negligent conduct of the [boyfriend]".

... in the following respects:

1. In assaulting the Plaintiff and throwing her into the roadway, and
2. In placing Plaintiff in a position of imminent peril.

Now thats pretty much all the details I have at the moment.

First off I cannot see how my father could be held liable in any way since it wouldn't matter what vehicle Joe was using if he is a negligent driver... if he wasn't driving my dads van then he would have driven his own car and the accident still would have occured(in most probability). Essentially my father is being punished for being kind.

Second, Joe is not that negligent of a driver as claimed in the papers as I have driven with him many times when we worked together.

Third, If the injuries were as severe as the plaintiff claims then she could not have filed a completely different suite the very next day... she would have been in the hospital. We know that the injuries would have been extremely serious because it was enough to kill a dog. Of course he could have just ran over her toes or something but since she was laying down chances are it would have hit her ankles and crushed them.

The case was filed just 1 days before the statute of limitations would have ran out. The plantiff has a bad reputation in her home town for similar incidences and my fathers insurance company has found that she had used several aliases to file similar claims. There are no witnesses to the incident except the 3 people involved... so its a he said/she said.

Joe used to live next door tot he plaintiff. Also, this was at 5am. If you are approaching a car down the road at 5am then you cannot relaly tell if its stoped or going or if people are out of it or not in many cases. Specially if it has its brights on.

In any case, I'm very worried that this will cost my father a lot of money to defend and even more if its successful. I do believe that with all the information that I have this case is frivolous. There is not one shread of evidence to suggest that Joe even came within 5 feet of her. Problem is, with some juries you never know what will happen... and just to defend will cost a lot of money. My father does not make that much so its a pretty big problem.

What I feel is happening is that the plaintiff feels she can get some money either through scare tactics or just luck. In either case my father looses... and all because he let Joe use his truck instead of having him drive his own car.

My father does have insurance and I believe they are also being sued. It sounds like the attorney just filed against as many people as possible to try and get lucky. Its also possible that the plantiff , Joe, and/or the boyfriend are all in it to gether to get money from my father(even though he actually doesn't have any). Joe quit working for my father because he believed that my father should have paid him more and supplied him with bonuses and other things. This may or may not be the case but it leads to the potential that he was mad and wanted to somehow get what he thought my father owed him and show created this scheme. I seriously doubt this is the case though.

Does anyone know of any way I can help my father out to minimize his loss? Unfortunately its a very serious issue for my family and my father. Its also unfortunate that if this is a frivolous case that theres not much in the way to punish those that deserve it.

Thanks for any help,
I would say you seem to have enough to fight back in court and win with a good lawyer. The fact that they were neighbors, no charges filed by the cops against Joe at the scene, no legal fight the next day until recently before statutes run out, case comes after Joe leaves while unhappy, her prior injury and the fact that they seem to be working together………….Some of these can seem circumstantial but can be well utilized in court. The problem is there is not much you can do with such hungry people without spending at least on a lawyer. They would team up and work on their story to show liability since it was your dad's car, which is technically a company car. But it would depend on if he was on official duty or just a car given out of office work to help him. It would be a major part of the case. More so, I think based on the plaintiff's record of such claims, a good lawyer can try to get the case dismissed before trial………on the basis of what you have asserted if you have some evidence. The problem is with civil cases, the burden of proof is lower. Many lawyers would do a free first time consultation and let you know the best options. Visit a few before deciding……..The lawyer would investigate her bills; check police reports to see whether their observations collaborate her claims, check at her job when she resumed work, her pending cases and background check, aliases and many other things after getting court permission. The case is quite complex to handle here without knowing what proof can be gotten, and any evidence. A private investigator while sometimes expensive, could help guarantee victory if they monitor them now……………..The cost your family could face in the long term could a lot if they win. So I think you should invest in assuring victory today. From a legal perspective, their case is weak and has hole all over it………..
Yes... I agree. What I'm worried about is the cost to fight back would probably be near the cost to settle. I really have no clue as to how much it would cost but I imagine that it would be quite expensive(tens of thousands just to defend for such a weak case all because some woman is trying to get a free lunch ;/).

Hell, the way I see it, if I were on the jury and presented with the facts that I mentioned in the first post, I wouldn't find Joe or my father liable. Why? Because hell, if someone is doing that sorta crap on the road then who really is negligent? Sure it might not be the womans fault but its either hers or the boyfriends. And because it is stated that she saw Joe coming form a distance but she did nothing to get out of the road? What is fact though that if she was hit as claimed then she would have had to goto the hospital the very next day. (their would almost definitely be large lacerations to her body and other severe trauma)

Is there a way to counter sue for such cases(of course it would be a waste of money)? What really pisses me off is that it seems someone can make such frivolous claims and not have any repercussions. I also feel like the lawyer has something to do with it has they are taking her case just to try and make a buck. In some sense it seems my father has lost either way.

I think ultimately the best thing would be to get the case thrown out if thats possible. I'll tell my father your advice and get him to talk to some lawyers.


BTW, Joe was driving to work so I do not know if thats off duty or not(he did not get paid for it). Also the insurance company is being sued and I'm wonder if its possible to get them to help my father? After all, he paid them many years and that is what insurance is for? right?

Thanks again,
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In most cases, the insurance company tries to cut a deal of less than 10000dollars instead of rolling out their expensive dream team lawyers which will cost them nothing less that 75000dollars if it goes to trial even if they know the case is weak. The will file a motion to throw the case out….ASAP. Your dad will have talk to their legal department to find out what they are exploring given it is a joint case against you guys. He should not pay a lawyer until he knows what their intent is given they are co defendants.
An out of court settlement is sometimes a good idea when they plaintiff has a reasonable case. Based on what I know here, I would fight the charges on moral grounds that let such people rip me off. That is not a legal opinion but personal conviction. But from a legal perspective, it is a valid point. They will be paying that lawyer at least 4000dollars or a percentage of what they collect. He would not let them collect less 10000dollars. Even then you would also need a lawyer to do the paper work who would cost at least 2000dollars just for that. Just keep in touch with the insurance company and let them be the lead. Don't offer a penny and shift the ball to them. Don't let them push you to accept or sign papers without a lawyer. They can handle this case alone. The lawyers your dad would give him advice on how you guys should proceed.
I agree about the personal conviction. I am the same way. I can understand if it was the case that Joe did hit the woman then maybe there is a reason to goto court... even though I think with all the other issues that he probably would still be innocent. Its one thing to hit someone on side of the road in broad daylight and another thing for someone to be fighting in the middle of a dirt road at 5am with, I'm sure, the headlights on "blinding" the on coming vehicle and actually seeing it and claiming that the driver is responsible. Its almost as if their logic is "If I throw myself in front of on coming traffic then any car that hits me is responsible because they didn't avoid hitting me".

In any case, with the way the court system is today my dad looses either way unless the insurance company is kind enough to help out(although I don't see any reason why they would). I'll try to get him to talk to them ASAP and see what they say and then most likely talk to other lawyers and see what will happen.

I appreciate your advice. I suppose he could talk to lawyers now though just to see. Problem with my father is that he's the kinda of person that will stick his head in the ground hoping the problem with go away and I know that kinda of thinking will cause him more problems.... I these type of people that file cases like this go after people like my father.

I guess I'm more disappointed at the legal system than anything... of course I don't know much about it except what I see on TV. Just seems so easy for some POS person to bring up a frivolous case. Again, I could be wrong about this but all the evidence I have, and assuming its correct, points to the fact that it is frivolous. Now maybe theres something else and maybe it does deserve a trial. But if it is frivolous or has a high chance of being frivolous then it should never even make it to trial. Surely the attorney filing the case should have enough evidence to support any claims instead of just making up bullshit statements and a judge could look it over and see. In any case I guess it doesn't matter what I think ;/

Thanks again,
One last question. Suppose Joe did hit the woman. Does this mean its an automatic win for them? Is it possible that it was her fault or the boyfriends? In the papers it says the boyfriend placed the plaintiff in imminent danger but also that she saw Joe coming. Does this pretty much say that its their own fault? Either the boyfriend pushed her in front of the truck, held her down so she would get hit, or she purposely did not get out of the way? It sounds to me that if anyone is at fault it would be the plaintiff and the boyfriend. At most only a small fraction would have been Joe's fault... even if he did not exercise "due diligence" that an ordinary person has.

I just can't comprehend how someone can, for example, stand in the middle of a road, stick their foot into oncoming traffic and claim that its the other persons fault for not swerving. (to me this is what this case boils down too).

There is no doubt that they have a lot of responsibility for what happened…………..they are adults and knowing fully put themselves in danger. The report confirms that finding. That shows that Joe might have been careful but did not have enough time to react, giving people don't normally lay on that road….that is debatable from their side…. But the negligence and their poor judgment by fighting on the road is good enough for your lawyer to show it is mostly their fault and have no right to sue for more than what even the insurance gives them if any. They should normally be fighting with your dad's insurance company not you guys………..Your dad had no direct influence in events leading to the accident. Civil claims have a low threshold of evidence to file a claim. I think you guys can get this dismissed. She has to file her bills or any money demands to the insurance company. A judge or jury will not award them anything significant if this case when to trial due to their negligence. The best they can ever get will be from the insurance company……………the "verifiable" medical bills she incurred. As I said, you guys should let the insurance company take the lead and get the advice from counsel. She is wrong to play on the road but the system is set for the insurance policy to take care of her due to the accident…..But she would not get any money for damages due to her negligence…..only maybe her bills she ought to have filled within the allotted time with the insurance company.
Ok. I believe the my fathers insurance company is fighting this. They cover my father up to a maximum of 100k.

I suppose what I am worried about is that somehow my father gets stuck with all "negligence". I guess its because he is a "business owner" and the other two guys are "bums". Its probably automatically assumed by a jury that if its a business owner then he probably has money and somehow it will all be put on him.

I guess only thing to do is see what happens. If the courts are fair then I do not think my father has anything to worry about. His insurance company seems to be handling everything for him and I do believe that he has very little to do with the case so I would expect a fair ruling for any damages against him to be minimal.

I suppose I've heard too many horror stories on TV and I'm just expecting the worst ;/ I also do not think its fair that joe would end up getting off scot free. Of course I'm not sure that will happen by essentially the a papers that my father was given is saying that its all my fathers fault for letting an incompetent employee drive.

Anyways, I'm sure most of these questions will be cleared up when my father talks to a lawyer or the insurance companies lawyers. I guess my only real bet is to trust in the court system. (BTW, I also do not necessary mean to be so harsh on the plaintiff. It may very well be that it was not her fault. But just from what I've been told and read it I feel she is trying to get a free lunch. (just to many coincidences for me) I don't mind a fair trial but in today's world it seems fairness and ethics have been thrown out the window and you can't trust anyone(sometimes not even the judge)).

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it,
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They would have to provide evidence to show your dad ought to have known or knew Joe was a negligent driver to get a penny from him. Joe driving record in the past would be key............Don't worry.......I share your are fair! Let us know how it goes..............
Alright. I appreciate your time and help. If any major thing happens I'll post and ask more questions though ;) I think as long as its not all or nothing and each person has to pay a percentage proportional to how negligent they are then my dad shouldn't have to pay much if he looses... and hopefully all that will be covered by insurance.

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