Frozen bank account in maryland

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Can creditor freeze account where your bank account is and where your mortgage is due at the same bank which created a hardship
Can creditor freeze account where your bank account is and where your mortgage is due at the same bank which created a hardship

The creditor can't freeze your bank account.
They can cause it to be frozen.
Normally this happens when they effect a judgment against your assets.

I suggest you speak with a bankruptcy lawyer ASAP.

That can often times get things back on track for you faster than other ways.

Talk to some good BK attorneys in your county.

Learn how that could help.
I am with Army Judge on this! Creditors cannot freeze a bank account, but they can levy against it to satisfy the judgment; something similar to garnishing someone's earnings at the source.

I am also in full agreement about getting in touch with a Bankruptcy attorney who will explain the benefits that come with filing a Chapter 7 Petition, the least of which ( I can assure you) is getting back your sanity and peace of mind. I know full well the idiotic and holier-than-thou stigma that society has labeled such filing with, which by the way, remains THE main and underlying reason why so many people refrain from filing for Bankruptcy, opting instead to suffer mental anguish and at times breakdowns by continuing to "work with their creditors" in order to save face.

If you must know, not only do credit repair schemes and making the minimum payments till time indefinite NOT HAVE any relish of salvation, they also make the much prized Credit Score go further and further south to the point that eventually you would not be able to buy a pack of gums on credit, let alone qualify for a mortgage, where on the other hand, a bankruptcy discharge will in actual fact work to improve your credit noticeably within a short period of time after the date of discharge. A real life example I can share here is the two offers to buy cars received by Mr. BK7 exactly 90 days after he was discharged by BK court receiving two checks; one from the main Toyota Dealership in San Diego for $27,500 and the other for $24,000 from the local VW dealership. My disbelief was turned into astonishment when I called both dealerships to see if the checks were a kind of bait-and-switch scam or a sick joke, only to be told that the checks were as good as they claim and that Mr. BK7 can walk in and pick a car up to the value of the check without even a down payment.

It is not my place to either advise or recommend a Bankruptcy petition because it is a very personal matter and at times a very hard decision to make, but I can tell you that Chapter 7 is a LEGAL pressure-release mechanism and is NOT a social stigma AND, your life will not end as you know it, but very much start anew. You will sleep soundly and will not shake in your boots every time the phone rings and most importantly, you will get to smile again.

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