frustrated renter

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New Member
Is there anyway for a renter to get out of a lease, every thing I have read so far, it seems is very hard to break a lease, we have been renting for 2.5 months, its been bad from day one, we are willing to take a loss ( the cost of the move,forfeit our deposit of 4500. dollars, the cost of deposit on a new place and the cost of moving out of here) just to be out of here, we had the carpets cleaned for $825. and cleaned this place like I'm sure its never never been cleaned before and replaced broken light fixtures, doors etc... the story is long but the LL has fixed nothing we have asked ( we put request in writing several times, gave deadlines), I found a new place to live, can I send 1 last letter requesting repairs and if its not done in 30 days, would I be in my legal rights? not everything that needs fixed is considered "habitable"?:(
If you want decent replies your going to need to give us more like your state. Have you told LL you want out at any price? (to a degree)
sorry, its michigan,a few examples of issues: ( not all cause the list is long) we just got a working stove this week after 2.5 months, the LL has the basement rented to a man they called the groundskeeper (the property is on 130 acres) turns out its the owners friend and the owner moved in with him, We found out the LL is getting divorced and couldnt afford the house so rented the top part and moved into the basement, it was enough there was one person in the basement (which we were assured over and over again my the LL and the realtor that the home was constructed in a way that you hear NO noise from the basement, we hear everything (coughing, sneezing, phone ringing) and now to have the LL in the basement and he's creepy, we catch him just standing at our front door or sitting on our porch often, we have a rodent problem( LL thinks its funny said its the breaks of living in the country) the list goes on and on, we ask him to release us from the lease and he could keep the deposit, he wont, I said to him is it because you know you cant rent it w/ 2 men in the basement and he shrugged his shoulders and smiled, i know he will sue us, actually i think thats how he has been making a living, misleading tenants to get them in, they break lease because they cant take it and he sues, we saw signs of this but didnt pick up on them at the time, we like to believe people are good and intentions are good until proven different.
Where do you see the breach on LL parts? You can certainly up and leave and he can sue you ( and win) rent for duration of lease or until he rerents property. Do the basement renters need to pass thrugh you rrental property to get to where they live? Was basement mentioned in lease agreement
well, we were told numerous times you could hear nothing from the basement that is so far from the truth, we feel like we have 2 roommates, that smoke too and the smoke comes up under the door (we have blocked off the door w/ rolled blankets, it doesnt help much) and we have asked several times to please smoke outside, sometimes he does, sometimes not, but even when he does its right below our deck so we have to close the windows and the fact the landlords is always standing around a corner lurking, if this had been anyone else we probably would have called the police but because he's the owner he has the right to do this?, not to mention he hasnt addressed any of the issues in the home, if we had said it was just me and my husband moving in and we decided to let a couple more people move in he would have a problem with that, also we split utilities we pay 2/3 and the basement pays 1/3 but if there is more people down there that wouldnt be a fair split and yes we have addressed this w/ him- nothings changed, trust me we have taken all the right steps, even a sit down meeting called by my husband with the LL, tenant downstairs and us and it resolved nothing.
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