frustrating landlord problem

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New Member
Hey thanks for reading the post, my first time, but this landlord problem is creating serious stress problems.

We (roommate and I) signed a lease to an apt. which was owned and ran by property management. Our lease did not run out until Oct. 2009. In July 2009 the cable went out (cable was included in the rent). We called the PM (prop. manager) and told them and they said the owner hasn't been paying his dues and if the cable is not on by August 10th the lease is broken.

August 10th came and still no cable, it was pretty annoying not having cable in the house and we did not want to purchase cable since we were moving in 3 months anyway. We didn't want to pay aug. 15-sep 15 rent so we were just going to move since the lease was broken. It was difficult finding a place that fast, but my roommate and I were both out by Sept. 1. Instead of receiving my security deposit back they sent me a bill for $950 (aug 15-sep 15 rent) I told them we were told we did not have to pay that if we were out quick enough. Well apparently since we were there until Sept. 1st it was not quick enough (aug. 25th would have been quick enough apparently?) and we were responsible for full and not prorated rent. Since THEY broke the lease, how is this fair? It was quite expensive for me to move out of nowhere in the first place and now they lay this bill on me. They are going to put it on my credit if I don't pay it by January 9th. Is this legal? Thanks in advance.
no, no written agreement, but they said we needed to leave because the owner had broken the lease. They said we could move to a new apt. or another apartment that they managed to finish out our lease, and we declined and just decided to move to a new apt., which they were fine with.
It would have been wise to get your permission to break the lease in writing, but you can still file a claim if you want to. Let the landlord stand up in court and try to justify his actions. Chances are he will put his foot in his mouth.
You would probably stand to get at least a portion of the money back, You were there during that time, so it would be fair to pay something.... some reduced amount of the regular rent. No telling though- if the landlord does something really dumb or fails to show then you could be awarded the whole thing.
Cool, thank you, again I didn't break the lease, the owner of the Apt. broke the lease, which gave us the right to leave.
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