Jail Fta


New Member
Hi, my husband was picked up on a bench warrant for a fta. He was on prop 36 and completed everything. He has also been on probation for 3 years and has never missed a court date until now. He missed it because he was at work and didn't realize about court until later in the day. He tried calling his po and got no answer but he didn't go down to talk to her. Now he's been in jail since Monday and can't go to court until next Friday and I'm wondering if they will release him with time served and re-instate his probation since he has been compliant and completed his program and hasn't been in any trouble since his initial arrest?
No one can say what the court WILL do. They MIGHT do just about anything.

He will have to wait and see.
Hi, my husband was picked up on a bench warrant for a fta. He was on prop 36 and completed everything. He has also been on probation for 3 years and has never missed a court date until now. He missed it because he was at work and didn't realize about court until later in the day. He tried calling his po and got no answer but he didn't go down to talk to her. Now he's been in jail since Monday and can't go to court until next Friday and I'm wondering if they will release him with time served and re-instate his probation since he has been compliant and completed his program and hasn't been in any trouble since his initial arrest?

More than likely he'll be kept there to make him contemplate his behavior. Eventually, he could get a stern lecture and be cut loose.

Worse case, 60-90 days back in the big house.

In some cases, 60-90 days in county.

Then back to the free world. Truth is, no one can say for sure, just guessing, each case is different, one size won't fit everyone.

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