Full Disclosure??

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In 1994, the city re-zoned, setting aside certain properties to be used for "Resort" (Disneyland) businesses. In 1999, I bought a home in a mobile home park that was included in that rezoning. At the time of purchase, I was not informed of this rezoning, otherwise I would not have made the purchase. My question: Aren't the sellers required by law to disclose this information? Or am I at fault for not 'investigating" the property??
This is not legal Advice!

Do you own the land it sits on? As i know of a site on the 192 they do not own the land and that is pretty close to where you are? The agreement they hold with the site are pretty much sewn up for them to chop and change the goal post as and when they please.

Try looking on www.myflorida.com this is a good site for you as i think you maybe able to search local laws.

Good Luck

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