Fun new feature... need mod help!

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I honestly don't know hon - I'm not a mod, I have no powers other than my Super Powers (I'm Jack Bauer's secret twin), but I could access and answer the questions?

Would have been nice to know which ones I missed, even if not why.

I am curious... is Beheler in use everywhere or just in California?
Those of you still having trouble might need to get some software updates... not sure if that quiz uses Flash, but that is a common cause of problems if it isn't current.
LOL... the truth is that those questions are very tough and probably some might debate the answers although they seem to be correct. Bottom line is that it's always better to pipe down around police officers if you aren't in control of your tongue! I'll be putting up far more suitable quizzes with questions and answers shortly. :)
One thing I would like is an explanation of the answers. Or maybe a private forum to discuss the answers after taking the test. Then I would learn a little more. :)

One problem I had was that I couldn't post a comment in the comment box after taking the quiz.

Yes - that's what is next on the agenda for the release. In addition, there will be a separate forum to discuss the individual quizzes. Right here with you, LOL!!! :)

Regarding the comments, let me look into that - you should be able to do so.
My mod issue are solved but still can not access the quiz...I also use google. I guess TLP can live without my quiz answers!! :P

What is the error that you are getting? What are you doing? No problems here and I am using Chrome too (I find it faster and crashes less... but sometimes has compatibility issues.)
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