Funds delivered under duress when not compos mentis

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Andrew Mohammed

New Member
Hi guys - I have a slightly complex question, I hope that you can help as I am being bullied by someone with a lot of money and lawyers, and I am not sure where to turn.

Two years ago, whilst I was under care of the mental health team in the U.K. and not of sound mind, I was coerced under duress by an individual (let's call him H) into wiring $25,000 of funds into a third party (let's call them D) from the U.K. to the USA on the promise that the funds would be paid back within a month.

The funds were wired direct to D's account from my personal account. H never paid me back, threatened my life and is now Imprisoned for an unrelated fraud. I contacted D, the recipient, who is a multi millionaire and has a high profile to ask him kindly to return the funds as I was not compos mentis at the time and the wire was made under duress. I explained the situation - and I am now living in sheltered accommodation and still legally classified as mentally ill and receiving some welfare - he refused to return the funds. D then accused me of harassment and his lawyers have threatened me with all kinds of sanctions and actions.

These were my life savings and I implored to his moral nature to return the funds. He is in the USA, and I currently am in the U.K. though am an American citizen.

Do I have any legal backing to require the return of these funds, as they were clearly wired from my account during a time when I was not of sound mind (this can be backed by the Mental Health team under whose care I have been for several years.)

Many thanks
Sorry, this website discusses the federal laws of the USA and her 50 states and 6 odd territories, NOT be we're US-ophiles; rather because we are limited in knowledge.

You need to speak with a legal expert in the land of Queen Elizabeth, a charming, regal person, to be sure.

You might contact the police officials working out of the celebrated Scotland Yard.

Your local constabulary might also be able to assist you, as it appears you were SCAMMED.
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