GA guidelines - child support & summer visitation

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I'm a divorced father in GA with sole legal and sole physical custody of my two children ages 8 & 10. My final divorce decree states that my ex pay $85 a week for child support. My ex lives in IL now and the decree allows her summer visitation from 2 wks after school lets out until 2 weeks before school starts again, approximately 2 months give or take a week or two. My question is since I have sole legal/physical custody, isn't my ex responsible for child support during the summer months also. I'm under the impression that even though they are visiting with her that their primary sole residence still needs to be cared for. No where in the final decree does it say that the child support is only for the weeks the children are with me which is ten months a year. question two, isn't it tru that the final decree supersedes any previous temporary orders.

Thanks for your help.
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