Ga lease question. Landlords getting divorced and surrendering property.

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Hello, my landlords(John and Jane Doe) are going through a divorce. He bought the house before the marriage and it appears she has no interest in it. We signed a lease with both of them. He is filing chapter 7 and the hearing is on this upcoming wednesday. I recieved a call from him in late May with him stating that he intends to surrender the house to the bank at his bankruptcy and that he no longer desires to collect rent from us but we must be out by August 1st when our original lease would've expired. He had previously called in early May and requested that all checks for rent be made to him as he is the owner of the home and he is getting divorced. Jane Doe came around in June looking for rent, apparently she did not know that he is giving up his home. She still wants rent or at least proof that we paid John Doe. I am only concerned that she may try to sue me. Also if it helps I recieved a copy of his chapter 7 papers and it lists his property he is surrendering, it has a property that is owned by both of them and it specifically says that he is giving up his half of the interest, however on the home I am renting he is the only one listed. Was my lease terminated due to his statements/pending surrendering of the home? And what rights does she have to collect rent? If she does have that right is she only entitled to half and also can I withold the rent until they reach an agreement with eachother for the collecting of rent? Thanks for all and any help
Since the male half is being cooperative with you, see if he will give you something in writing that absolves you of the remaining rent.
With or without the rent, the landlord has told you that you do not have to pay and has also given you adequate notice to move out.
Hold to your part of the deal and there should be no problem.
If the female half wants to make you pay the rent she will have to go through court- and in court you would be able to provide the whole story and let a judge decide how much you should pay to which party. She likely won't go through all that... she is just trying to fish money from you and keep it from him.
Keep the money that you would normally have paid for rent stashed away... don't spend it.... just in case.
If it were me, I would not pay the rent if he had given me a free pass. I wouldn't pay another dime until a judge ordered me to.
As suggested, get EVERYTHING in writing (so far, all you've got now from "John" are phone calls) as evidence that he does not wish for you to pay further rent.

ok I have an agreement signed by me my wife and "John Doe" and it is notarized. This should protect me if she chose to come after me for anything?
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