garnish unemployment?

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A friend of mine just lost their job and just found out they are being sued by a credit card company. they have not accepted service yet (the hearing is on April 1). They are wondering if there is a judgement if the credit card company can garnish their unemployment? This person does not own anything of real value (rent a house and takes public transportation). My friend is under a great deal of stress and not sure what to do. They live in the state of Florida. Also this friend is a parent of a special needs child. thanks!
If they have not accepted service, how can there already be a hearing. Also, how do they know about the hearing?
What is the jurisdiction?
They probably cannot garnish unemployment benefits. I don't think the IRS can do that. However, if they get the judgment, they will be able to garnish their wages or take money out of the bank account when those assets are available.
Also, is it possible the credit card is out of the Statute of Limitations? Many states have short periods of time between the last payment, and the expiration of the Statute of Limitations.
If she is outside of the SOL, this could give her a great defense against the lawsuit, and an upper hand at possibly settling the account with the credit card company.
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