Auto Loans garnishment

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New Member
The car loan company sued me in 2009 for a car loan, they repossess the car in 2008, they send court papers for garnishment in October 2013, but they haven't take anything from my checks. How long do they have? Is there a statute of limitation in this kind of cases?
The car loan company sued me in 2009 for a car loan, they repossess the car in 2008, they send court papers for garnishment in October 2013, but they haven't take anything from my checks. How long do they have? Is there a statute of limitation in this kind of cases?

Are you working?

Have you changed jobs between Oct, '13 and Jan, '14? When?

If it is a judgment, in most cases they have years, many many years to enforce their judgment.
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The car loan company sued me in 2009 for a car loan, they repossess the car in 2008, they send court papers for garnishment in October 2013, but they haven't take anything from my checks. How long do they have? Is there a statute of limitation in this kind of cases?

They have 6 or 14 years, depending on the nature of the judgment.

Yours appears to fall under the 14 year SOL.
Agree 14 years SOL on judgment New Mexico.
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