Gender Discrimination - Salary Based

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New Member
Hi -

I am a 30 year old woman in an engineering role with a company for 7 years, during which my performance has been top notch which has been recognized by management on several occasion.(awards, etc)

Recently, I came across a spreadsheet which lists out the salaries for different position/level within my group and realized that something was not right as my currant salary was atleast 20k less than what it should be. This spreadsheet was not for public view but i came across it by fluke and did nothing illegal to get it.

I requested clarification from my newly appointed manager as to the accuracy of the figures on the spreadsheet and he said that is a baseline for that specific role.

The men on my team are definately getting more than what I am for the same responsibilty I have, and any new comer who will be hired would be paid 20k more than me even though i have more experience, been loyal to the company.

had any of this been performance based, i would have accepted is gladly but it is not - and i ahve proof to show that i am one of their top performer.

also the female population in my organization is probably less than 20%

Please advise -
If you are convinced that you are being paid less because of your gender and for no other reason, you can file a complaint with the EEOC.

Please be aware that it is legal to pay someone more because of their education, previous experience, tenure with the company, job skills, or just about any other reason that is not protected by law, and at least initially the burden of proof will be on you to show that it is not for any of these reasons but because you are female.
How do i find out ?

I had one other question - I do not know the exact salary of my co-workers but i do know it is more

it is such a sensitive topic and i cannot go snooping for data - which would validate my claim.

What is the best way to get this information so that based on it i can file a suit and complaint
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