gender discrimination

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i recently applied for a job position at a men's tailor store, where they create custom suits for them. the job was to size up men for their suits and record the measurements and bring in the proper material for the suit and ring up their orders. i applied but was told that the position was for men only. would that be classified under gender discrimination?

their explanation was that men would be having to strip down to their underwear which is required to get precise measurements for the suit.
Lets reverse that for a moment ok. Would you want "men" doing same to you? This is one of those jobs that requires you be a certain gender therefore its legal discrimination
great question, kind of a darned if you do and darned if you don't

the company put themselves at risk for sexual harassment from men if they had a woman doing the job, yet if they don't hire a woman to do the job, then again, they are in the opposite position
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