Consumer Law, Warranties General Contractor Breached Contract

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I hired a general contractor to remodel my home. The work was to be completed at the end of Feb., I have reported him to the BBB in my area. BBB closed the complaint because he did not respond. I also sent him a certified letter requesting a refund, he did not respond. Just yesterday, I mailed my complaint to my state's attorney general office with the consumer fraud division. Although my loss is about 5,000, in Illinois small claims is 10,000 and under. What will the AG's office do? Should I let the AG office handle it, or should I take him to small claim's court?
The AG's office probably has many cases to deal with that are a lot more pressing than yours - no offense. You may not want to wait and simply take the matter to small claims court and be done with it. Understand that the AG deals with issues such as mass fraud and your case might be very low on the totem pole. You'll possibly see much quicker action doing what you have to do... best of luck to you.
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