Criminal Records, Expungement General Rule For Expungement!!

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New Member
Hello all,

I was curious at what is the general rule or guidelines for getting a previous traffic ticket (speeding) expunged?

Do I need a lawyer to do this?

Do all states allow this?

Can I do this with a recent ticket or do they have to be a certain "age"?

Doing research paper for school and can't seem to find what I want on the internet.

Thanks in advanced to anyone who responds.

- Justin :)
JustinTyme said:
Hello all,

I was curious at what is the general rule or guidelines for getting a previous traffic ticket (speeding) expunged?

Do I need a lawyer to do this?

Do all states allow this?

Can I do this with a recent ticket or do they have to be a certain "age"?

Doing research paper for school and can't seem to find what I want on the internet.

Thanks in advanced to anyone who responds.

- Justin :)
It varies by State. Are you trying to prepare your research paper on a specific State, or based on a majority or comparison of the laws of the States within the U.S.?
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