Georgia Realtor Agreement legal wording question


New Member
The attachment is from Georgia association of realtors Form 201, "exclusive seller listing agreement". My question is part c. at the very bottom of the attached image.

Survival: The commission rights of Broker and the commission obligations of Seller set forth herein shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.

This Survival clause sounds like its indefinite. So how does this make sense when obviously realtor agreements are for a certain length of time only? What does this clause even mean? Thanks.


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It means what it says and my guess is that it refers only to 6a and 6b as the only rights that survive after the expiration.

If you don't like it don't sign it. If the realtor won't change it get another realtor. If that's a form required by the state realtor association then you are either stuck with it or you sell your house without listing it through a realtor.
I've always thought it meant that if the Broker finds a prospective buyer who, after the listing agreement ends, buys the property that the commission is still owed.

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