Getting a job

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I know there is a lot of compatition for jobs now. I just feel there is something real rotten about my job search. I have excellent job qualifications, and am being turned down without any reasons. The people getting hired are not even qualified. My questions go unanswered. This is a very small community, and I have never had a bad job experience.
How do I find out what is on my work record to see if there is a problem on it?
If you aren't even getting calls for interviews, it's most likely that your resume is not making the first cut. Prospective employers don't call for references, do background checks, etc., for applicants they aren't considering. OTOH, if you live in a small community and you are applying with businesses in that community, you have to assume that businesspeople talk to each other "unofficially". For instance at the gas station or diner or golf course. "Hey, Bob, I got a resume/application from Mike today and I know he used to work for you; what do you think about him?" There's no way you can stop that from happening.

Perhaps check your state unemployment office; they often have workshops in resume-writing.

Can you expand your job search to outside just your local community?
I am being considered for these jobs, and have been told I am right at the top of the list. Then nothing. I ask and no-one will say anything. I was turned down for a job that the manager wanted me for, but the corporation deemed my "unsuitable" In the past they have hired a felon! I really want to know what my background or personel report says.
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