getting catfished, get ready for the big date tonight!

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Malik Jui

New Member
A friend of mine said that he saw my personal ad on a dating site. What? I check it out...sure enough, there is a pic of me under some user name "Rick69er" looking for girls 18 to 21. As I look through the gallery, this dude has 10 photos of me. I'm guessing that they were lifted off facebook.

Anyway, I created my own online profile "LanaLove2" ... this persona is a young and attractive lady. A friend let me use her photos. I contacted this Rick guy and we made a date to meet. Tonight is the night! Due to all this virus stuff, we're meeting at a park under the guise of an early evening picnic.

"Rick" is going to find out the "Lana" is me, Malik J. I want to butthurt this guy so much but I am not violent. What should I say to this dude? I don't want to fight, I just want to know why he impersonated my image. Very curious to see what he looks like and what his excuse is.

Should be fun....
A friend of mine said that he saw my personal ad on a dating site. What? I check it out...sure enough, there is a pic of me under some user name "Rick69er" looking for girls 18 to 21. As I look through the gallery, this dude has 10 photos of me. I'm guessing that they were lifted off facebook.

Anyway, I created my own online profile "LanaLove2" ... this persona is a young and attractive lady. A friend let me use her photos. I contacted this Rick guy and we made a date to meet. Tonight is the night! Due to all this virus stuff, we're meeting at a park under the guise of an early evening picnic.

"Rick" is going to find out the "Lana" is me, Malik J. I want to butthurt this guy so much but I am not violent. What should I say to this dude? I don't want to fight, I just want to know why he impersonated my image. Very curious to see what he looks like and what his excuse is.

Should be fun....
Frankly, you're an idiot. I would cancel your "date" to avoid getting shot, stabbed, whatever.
Sid and Mark, a couple of buddies, will be there anonymously at the adjoining picnic table. THey are a couple of bad mo-fo's. I would think that if the "Rick69er" wants to start something, I will give the signal and he will be the idiot.

I contacted this website and asked that they remove this ad. They wouldn't .. said I needed a password to access ad and delete it myself. What? Not my ad, geez... otherwise I would of had my own password, DUH. This sh!t is crazy! I just want this dude to remove my images from his ad.

On a side note, if any hot chicks have responded to him...I'd sure like to know about it! LOL
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Yeah, I'm sure your bad mo-fo buddies are gonna stick around once that gun comes out.

Really, this is a monumentally stupid idea. Enjoy your date.
Zigner (Rick69er), is that you bro? HA HA HA

Don't worry, it'all all work out to our satisfaction. We just want to confront this dude. There will be no need for firearms or violence. And maybe he'll cough up some hot phone numbers. Afterall, he was impersonating me.
Yep, you are an idiot. You may not think that there is no need for firearms but "Rick" might. And he would be right if confronted by three " bad mo-fo's."
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