Premises Liability getting hurt after being terminated


New Member
What happens if after bringing an employee in and terminating them on company property, they then fall and hurt themselves while leaving but still inside the building on company property?
What happens if after bringing an employee in and terminating them on company property, they then fall and hurt themselves while leaving but still inside the building on company property?

I suspect the employee might try to sue the former employer.
What happens if after bringing an employee in and terminating them on company property, they then fall and hurt themselves while leaving but still inside the building on company property?

A lot might happen. They could get up and go home, go to their doctor, call an ambulance to take them to the hospital, lie there and cry, sit there and read a book, hold out their hands and ask for donations, etc, etc.

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Depending on state law and the exact details, it might or might not be covered under workers comp.

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