Getting money from "friend"?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Wyoming


I have sold a laptop to my, used to be a friend, two years ago. The amount was $650 and we never had written agreement only several verbal agreements. She paid $250 as the first installment. Meantime she moved from the place to Colorado. We kept in touch for a year and then we lost contact. I thought: Ok, whatever, I am not going to get the money back. Well, recently, she moved back here and I though, Ok that's an opportunity to get the rest of the money back. So I visited her at her work place and she promised to give me $100 every pay day. After a week, I got an email from her that she would not be able to give me the installment the first paycheck because, she would not have enough.

We exchanged several emails, and meantime, she got mad and now she is threatening me to call police because I am harassing her. I have everything proved I think. I have never threatened her. I emailed her to get updates on the payments (3-4 emails) and I visited her two times (1st time to welcome her back and talk to her after long time) only just because she does not respond and I have not seen the payment for a month and a half since she promised me.

As far as the money: I would like to see the rest of the money back in my hands but I have concern of going to a court for small charges. I have never done it.

As far as the police: Can she file a restriction against me based on no prove of harassment whatsoever? What will police do if she eventually does file it?

Thank you very much for your help on this.

If all you've done is what you set out above, it's not harassment. Don't worry about the police.

Small claims court is pretty user-friendly. If you have specific questions, ask away.
Thank you for your quick response. I really do appreciate it. I don't know if you got the feeling from the writing that I am not a resident and that is what worries me. If I go to court for small charges can they bring up my residential status? Can the defendant use it against me and turn the court the other way? And in the end I will be the one defending?

I am really honest person and I have never had problems/troubles with law.... not even speeding or parking ticket. That is why I have so many questions and I don't want to be the one who is on the chopping block.

thanks again.
I don't know what the laws are in your state, but courts routinely hear suits by non-residents. Talk to a local lawyer, they'll know better than I whether its permitted in your small claims court.

I would like to think that the court would not be biased against you because of your non-resident status. You might be subject to a countersuit, which means you get put on trial, but that would be an action by the defendant, not out of any bias of the court.
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