getting my name put of birth cert. and having equal rights


New Member
I have tried and tried to have kids after many failed attempts and miscarriages, my husband and I decided to look into adoption both my husband and I were turned down due to felony convictions, a couple years later my sister n law calls us up and tells us about a good friend of hers was 8 and 1/2 months preg. And would not be able to keep the baby due to drug addiction and also having a previous cps case opened, the mother was unsure who the father was it was a toss up between 7 or 8 different possibilities which 7 out of the 8 refused or did not want to have any part of the baby the one possibility who did step up and was at the hospital talked with my husband and I he to was not able to provide for the child and was out on bail. Remind you she was 8 1/2 months preg when I started talking to her so due to her being so far along we had nothing planned no court papers no adoption papers nothing ready. When the baby boy was born we all came to the decision to have my husband sign the birth certificate as the father and the mother signed obviously as mother well my son is now 3 years old biological mother has not contacted us or even seen our baby boy since she was released from the hospital which she was released before my son was due to drugs being in his system. My husband has now fallen off the wagon using drugs disappearing for days at a time make our life's hell for the last year and half I have tried getting him help and nothing is working and I have had enough but I am scared to divorce him because he threatens to take my son away tells me my name is on the birth cert you have no grounds to stand your not his mother on birth cert. So on and so forth he is not capable of raising him at the moment but with me having no rights to him he can take him and leave. I have contacted biological mother and she is willing to sign off on her rights is willing to sign anything need be to get me on the birth cert. What steps and forms do I need to make this happen
Understand something serious here. The boy IS NOT YOUR SON. You and your husband could be subject to criminal prosecution for the stunt you pulled to get him.

It's going to take a lot more than a few steps and some forms.

It's going to take a lawyer and a courtroom for you to legally adopt the boy.

Find yourself a good domestic relations lawyer who can sort out this mess for you before the axe falls and the boy gets taken away by Child Protective Services.
Understand something serious here. The boy IS NOT YOUR SON. You and your husband could be subject to criminal prosecution for the stunt you pulled to get him.

It's going to take a lot more than a few steps and some forms.

It's going to take a lawyer and a courtroom for you to legally adopt the boy.

Find yourself a good domestic relations lawyer who can sort out this mess for you before the axe falls and the boy gets taken away by Child Protective Services.

All I can add to the information given to you by my colleague, "adjusterjack", is that dealing with CPS might become the least of your problems if you attempt to bamboozle the authorities.

If you continue, you might be charged with CRIMES, as in FELONIES!!!!

That might mean that you and your husband end up in a filthy, state run prison.

What you really need is a divorce lawyer, or contact a battered women's shelter for help, support, and guidance.
I have tried and tried to have kids after many failed attempts and miscarriages, my husband and I decided to look into adoption both my husband and I were turned down due to felony convictions, a couple years later my sister n law calls us up and tells us about a good friend of hers was 8 and 1/2 months preg. And would not be able to keep the baby due to drug addiction and also having a previous cps case opened, the mother was unsure who the father was it was a toss up between 7 or 8 different possibilities which 7 out of the 8 refused or did not want to have any part of the baby the one possibility who did step up and was at the hospital talked with my husband and I he to was not able to provide for the child and was out on bail. Remind you she was 8 1/2 months preg when I started talking to her so due to her being so far along we had nothing planned no court papers no adoption papers nothing ready. When the baby boy was born we all came to the decision to have my husband sign the birth certificate as the father and the mother signed obviously as mother well my son is now 3 years old biological mother has not contacted us or even seen our baby boy since she was released from the hospital which she was released before my son was due to drugs being in his system. My husband has now fallen off the wagon using drugs disappearing for days at a time make our life's hell for the last year and half I have tried getting him help and nothing is working and I have had enough but I am scared to divorce him because he threatens to take my son away tells me my name is on the birth cert you have no grounds to stand your not his mother on birth cert. So on and so forth he is not capable of raising him at the moment but with me having no rights to him he can take him and leave. I have contacted biological mother and she is willing to sign off on her rights is willing to sign anything need be to get me on the birth cert. What steps and forms do I need to make this happen

Legally that child is not yours. So your husband can take him and you have no way to stop him if you divorce him. Legally (even though it's a falsified document) he is the boy's father. The boy has a legal mother. The one who gave birth. Lesson learned but you should have adopted the legal way and the correct way.

HE has to voluntarily give up his rights too. The mother isn't the only one who does it.

Get a damn good lawyer.
There is nothing that anyone can do to get you on the birth certificate. You did not give birth to the child.

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