New Member
I need to know if people can get out of a lease in a commerical property due to the fact that they have tried everything and can no longer pay the rent. I am to the point where I have tapped out every line of credit I have and just can't continue. Do people get out of leases for these reasons. I have seen many people skip out at night and others ahve told me the management doesn't go after them. I don't want to risk it. I only have 7 months left on a 5 year lease. The problem did start with the management not maintaining the parking lot. We border a major mall and during the holidays our lot fills up with mall shoppers to the point where my customers stopped coming. There have been times when I didn't have a space to park my car to open the store and had to park in the fire lane till a stall opened up. They refuse to put our name on the call list for towing and they didn't have signage to say not mall parking. As of January they put signs at entrances but still no ability to tow. Although after 4 years of this situation and now the bad economy parking is no longer a problem, I have no customers.