About 10 years ago, I became friends with a man in his 70s. Over the years, we met for coffee and became good friends. About 5 years ago, his ex-wife became sick and he moved in to take care of her. I began spending more and more time with the both of them. I have a small business and she was aware that I needed a truck because mine was very old. She and her ex-husband wanted to give me money for a truck but I never felt comfortable taking such a gift. About two years ago, His ex-wife passed away and left her home and a lot of money ($600,000) to her ex-husband. He said to me he wanted to give me the money ($25,000) I needed to buy the truck. I said OK but I would like to try and pay him back. He insisted I did not. He started spending a lot of time at my home and became very abusive to my wife and kids. Our relationship quickly became sour and now he wants his money back. He called a lawyer and the lawyer said it is elder abuse and it was a loan not a gift.
What can I do? From California
What can I do? From California