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Hi: My brother bought a house with his own money last June. Only his name is on the deed to the house. At that time he was living with his girlfriend in their apartment. He allowed his girlfriend to move in with him into his new home. They have been together for the past 9 years (no children are involved) and were planning to get married. At that time she was working and although she was not paying rent or any of the house bills she helped out sometimes with food or the cell phone bill. After they moved into the house she stopped working and has not contributed at all. Last November my brother found hotel receipts and other things that showed she was having an affair with another man. As a matter of fact it turns out that she was using their joint credit card to buy things for the new guy. He closed all joint accounts with her immediately and he broke off the engagement and asked her to leave, she refuses. She says that he has to make her move. Over and over again he asks her to leave. Her sister told her that she has every right to be there and he must make her move. Is this true? How does he go about getting her out of his home? All they do is fight every day and it is so bad my brother doesnt want to go home till late at night so that he does not have to deal with her. What can he do to get her out? What about the engagement ring is he entitled to it back? She also refuses to give that back to him.
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