Given a nice raise then fired

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My wife was working as a dental office assistant manager. She had been at this particular office for about 9 months to a year. She had recieved a dollar an hour raise which is unheard of around here. Then a month later she was called into the office and told how well she was doing in the office then fired. No reason was given other than "This isn't working out." I don't understand how employers can get away with doing this! I am sure that if my wife was going to leave, the Dr. would want 2 weeks notice. That same courtesy should be shown to my wife. We almost lost our house because this Dr just fires people on a whim. I have 4 kids and we are still trying to recover from the finacial devastation this Dr put us in. Is ther any thing we can do to let this dr know this is not ok to do to people???
I am sorry to hear about this, however, as far as I know, this is not illegal unless she had a contract. I recently have been in the same situation, almost exactly, and I haven't been able to find any way of "teaching them a lesson". It just proves one more time how people are more interested in their own pocket, than they are in the well being of others. I too have children, and know how devastating this can be financially and emotionally. Keep your head up high, be understanding of your wife's circumstance, and try real hard to help her find another job. From experience, it is not worth the stress to try and fight. One more thing, if you want to know the reason for the firing, or at least what they are going to tell others, sign up for unemployment. Once they have the info from your wife and the employer, she can call them and ask what the employer has stated. At least you'll have a heads up during new interviews as to what will be said during a routine job reference.
salllttt, while the sitaution is unfortunate, nothing you describe as having taken place is remotely illegal. I hope your wife filed a claim for unemployment benefits.
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