Glass Pipe Business

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This question is in regards to glass pipe business laws. I have heard of laws against the travel of glass pipes over state lines, but I see many local stores selling glass pipes. Would it be legal to start a glass pipe mail order catalog exclusively for residents of my state, Louisiana?
Keep it in Louisiana!

No, it is not legal!

By the sound of it, Louisiana's politicians have not (as yet) hopped this particular and wholly ridiculous aspect of the "war-on-drugs" bandwagon, which is why you see glass pipes, which are referred to as drug paraphernalia, being openly sold in your state. But those retailers must be procuring the pipes locally because federal law prohibits interstate transportation of drug paraphernalia or the use of the mail service or indeed any other method to import or export and the federal penalty for the violation of this law is a prison term of three years or less plus the customary fines.

Of course, you can start a mail order catalog for glass pipes as long as the start and finish points are both within the state of Louisiana.

fredrikklaw, do you know where I can get more information on this subject. i'm trying to understand how local businesses sell overseas imported chinese pipes without getting into trouble, and they have been doing it for the last 20 years. so it would be 100% legal for me to blow home made glass water pipes and sell them through a mail order catalog strictly in my own state louisiana. anything else i need to watch out for?
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