Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Going in without a lawyer to just plead guilty

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I was arrested for DWI and have a court date/arraignment coming.
The specifics of my DWI:
- First Time Offense
- BAC: 0.11
- No aggravating factors

I've talked to a few lawyers and the impression I get is that I really don't have a case and have to rely on the prosecutor or the cop to mess up on their side to have a shot. At this point, I don't really see a point in spending $2000 - $3000 to get a lawyer if I'm going to be found guilty anyways. Everybody around me is saying I HAVE to get a lawyer no matter what.

So my questions are:
1. Is it really that rare/un-heard of to plead guilty without a lawyer?
2. Do judges usually look down upon this and give a harsher punishment than they normally would? All the lawyers told me that if I'm found guilty I should expect a standard sentence ( no jail sentence, etc. ). This sounds about right based what I researched.
3. Can I plead not guilty at the arraignment and get all the police reports, and then, make a decision on getting a lawyer? One thing I worry about this is that if I still don't think theres a point in getting a lawyer, can I plead guilty before the actual trial?

Thank you so much for your inputs in advance.
Do yourself a favor, mate, plead not guilty.
Your case will be continued, and you can ask the judge if you qualify for a public defender.
If you don't qualify for a PD, a lawyer will be much cheaper that pleading out to a DWI.

Your insurance rates will treble, maybe quadruple.

That's only the start of the financial impact a DWI conviction will do to your life.

Take your time, as there's NOTHING to gain by pleading out right away.

Virginia categorizes a first DUI offense as a class 1 misdemeanor and imposes a fine ranginging from $250 to $2,500. The law also imposes a one-year license suspension. The punishment increases if you were arrested with a BAC of 0.15% or higher in which case your sentence may include a minimum five-day jail sentence.

Administrative Penalties

A first offense DUI in Virginia results in administrative license suspension of one year. Reinstatement of a license requires completion of an alcohol safety and education program. If the driver was arrested with a BAC at or in excess of .15, the driver must utilize an ignition interlock device upon reinstatement of his or her license.
Generally a lawyer (or public defender - a PD is a lawyer) can help you get the best outcome possible.

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