Going to court over alimony

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I have been separated for over 2 yrs. I filed, he doesn't want the divorce to happen.

We had mediation this week and he lowballed the alimony offer: about 1/4 of his income. So we're going to court.

I had to put a career - my life - on hold to raise an autistic son who needed car 24/7. I could only work P/T from home. Meanwhile, his career was not affected and he's done very well in his field. Now our son is in a good home and my timing couldn't have been worse: the job market is horrible.

My atty thinks my chances are very good that I'll get 50% of his income (minus what I can make at a job when hired).

Has anyone else had a similar situation? Any advice is welcome. TIA.
Squeeze, squeeze, and then some more!

First of all and for what it's worth, I take my hat off to you and commend you for the sacrifices you had to make and will surely continue to make for the foreseeable future. I find it reprehensible to neglect any child at the best of times, let alone one's own with special needs and requiring 24/7 care.

And unless the judge presiding over your case is from planet Ding-Dong or Mars, your attorney's thinking as to your chances of squeezing 50% out of this man is quite realistic under the circumstances as I just cannot imagine a judge not putting this deadbeat father (your husband) through his paces.

I wish you and your son the best.

How long were you married for? 50% of his income is unrealistic. What that means is if you were to get some part time employment, you would be taking home more than him. You also have the responsibility to support your son and once the job market picks up, you will be required to secure some sort of employment. How long are you asking for alimony for? He has the responsibility of helping support the child, but his obligations to support you will be less. but you have not stated how long you were marrued for, or how old the child is. If the child is severely autistic aren't you receiving a SS benefit for the child?
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