Negligence, Other Injury Golf Course Injury Suffered

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Back at the beginning of June, I was involved in an accident and impacted by a personal injury at a Golf Course in California. The basics of this accident are that a member of our foursome that was golfing, finished putting his hole and sat in a passenger side of a golf cart. While doing so, he inadvertently pressed down the speed pedal of the cart and set it in motion. I was not standing very far away from the cart and soon had the cart right on top of me unable to avoid it's impact. At this point, my right foot became lodged underneath one of the tires, crushing my foot and soon thereafter I got drove for about an additional 20 feet or so, finally being thrown forward once the cart came to a stop.

The initial pain was severe, but I was able to put my shoe back on the foot and walk it off, eventually being able to drive myself home. With the fact that I was able to leave the premises on my own ability, I did not find it necessary to notify the Golf Course (Private Course) of the incident.

Later that same day, I experienced additional pain and swelling, so I sought medical attention. The initial diagnosis was a broken big toe and bruising/sprain throughout the foot. I said, OK a broken toe I can deal with it.

To make this brief, now forward 37 days later. I had surgery this past Friday which resulted in $2K out of pocket for Co-Pay with surgery, have endured over a month of extreme pain, tons of doctor/specialist visits and am trying to recover from 9 different fractures I have in my foot and ankle as a result of this accident. I have missed work for 3 weeks and counting (expected to be out 6 to 8 weeks more) although I am receiving salary continuation from my employer as part of my benefits up to 12 weeks.

At this point due to length of time that has passed, I never notified the Golf Course (not sure if they have any liability at all to be honest) and haven't addressed the individual who is a work associate more than someone considered a friend.

So now my thought process is happening. I am facing more out of pocket costs from this, up to a total of $5K and of course the long period of pain and suffering.

Looking for advise and thoughts on what I should do at this point. I have not spoken to any type of attorney or legal counsel either. What steps should be taken to approach and address the individual who was in the golf cart and ignited this accident?

Feedback appreciated.
If anyone is liable, it's the driver of the golf cart.
Vicariously, the owner of the cart could be liable.
The biggest problem for you, absent any documentation is proving that XXX was negligent.
As the matter went reported contemporaneously with the alleged event, that could be difficult six to seven weeks after the event.
I'd avoid approaching XXX, because if he did it, he should have approached you.

Okay, what to do today?
Meet with a few local attorneys, see what they have to advise.
They know the system in your area, and are best informed to lay out the likely outcomes.

You appear to have suffered injuries sufficient to lay you up along with a couple surgeries.

If you have homeowners insurance, you might have some protections.

Contact attorneys ASAP, see if they suggest how to get the ball rolling. You clearly aren't qualified to pursue this pro se. Your injuries are too severe.
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