Good news!

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New Member
To all readers!

Today I am happy to report, that my paycheck is on the way!

After they still denied to mail me my paycheck yesterday, I faxed the Main Office a letter quoting the above stated California Law.
I have also stated that, if needed, I would report their "behavior" to the California State Department of Industrial Relations (Labor enforcement).

Personally, I am not a person that's very feisty,unless I feel misstreated.
If you are in a similar situation, look up your State's Labor Law's and see if the law is on your side.
Sadly , there are companys like that out there. And sometimes, pressuring (not to say;) ) is just waht it takes to get what's rightfully yours.
They might have thought I wasn't prepared to fight for $300. ;)

But anyway, I would like to thank thelawprofessor for answering me ( it did help me to calm down a

I will stop by again, sadly I am not a laywer, but if I can help anybody, please let me know!
Originally posted by Swissmiss:
I will stop by again, sadly I am not a laywer, but if I can help anybody, please let me know!
Most lawyers I know would say thank the L-rd you decided not to become a lawyer!!!! Kudos to you and happy to hear the good news... don't spend it all at once. :)
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