Goods left by renter

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New Member
Someone rented some space in my barn and paid two months upfront. No payment has been received for three months and messages are not returned. All I have is a first name and phone number. This was an informal agreement with no contract signed. I may have to move soon and do not know what to do with all the junk left here. What are my options?
Someone rented some space in my barn and paid two months upfront. No payment has been received for three months and messages are not returned. All I have is a first name and phone number. This was an informal agreement with no contract signed. I may have to move soon and do not know what to do with all the junk left here. What are my options?

You could arrange to turn the items over to your local police agency.
You might have been housing stolen merchandise.
They'll take the stuff off of your hands.
Make a reasonable effort to contact the owner... make phone calls, maybe run an ad in the paper.
If the owner does not respond, and since the owner is behind on rent, you can sell/keep the property to recover the rent you are due.
Check your local laws to find out at what point property is considered abandoned.
Good advice, Moose, but I get the feeling that he was tricked into holding 'purloined' merchandise.
I think his 'renter' got popped and can't come back, because he's in the hoosegow!
Better that he make an effort to turn the 'hot' goods over to the police.

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Goods ledt by Renter

Thank you for the responses. The "goods" that were left by the renter are a wide vareity of low value items that someone would buy cheap with the hope of turning a small profit on resale. I would think the Police would'nt bother with it but it's a great idea to ask them if I don't have time to seel all the junk.
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