Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Got caught shoplifting at urban outfitters

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I'm scared for life. Today my stupid ass decided to shoplift a few things from UXXXXX. I did not know that the sensor would ring because it doesn't have that sensor thing, only the tag, but it did, and man was that the worst mistake of my life. But I was caught, and they took down my information.

I'm 20, I'm scared that it would go on my records. No cops were involved, the manager only took down my info and address and said they'll send it to the law officials or whatever. And I also had to sign a paper that I can never step back in there until 3 years later. I'm so scared. I have a clean record and everything, so would this be a heavy violation? Please help me!!!

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If you're lucky, nothing at all might happen next.

You might get a letter from the store's HQ demanding you pay them a shoplifting fee.

Read it, as it'll explain what's demanded if you do XXXX, or not.

If you are charged, the local persecutor might write you, or send a police officer to arrest you.

If you are charged criminally, then plead not guilty, ask for a lawyer, and ask the lawyer about diversion.

Okay, nothing has happened, and you're free as a bird.

If you're smart, stay out of that store, if you want them to leave you alone (leave them alone).

Your record is still clean, so for your stake STOP STEALING.

It can only bring you more trouble, trouble like jail, prison, a criminal record, and no prospect of ever getting a job!!!!

You might want to get counseling or enroll in a stop stealing class, or an ethics class. Ask the local police r sheriff's offce, or the probation office about one nearby.
Based on your post the store (you should not have named publically) has not filed a criminal complaint. They still could but that is unlikely unless you provoke that action. It you get a letter of civil demand I suggest you pay it to avoid long term consequences and there are many. The amount will vary by state law and circumstances of case it could be as little as $50.00 or as much as $1000.00 again depending on unnamed issues. Far as your record goes there should be no record outside of store or any retail theft database they might subscribe to
^^^^And I think that's a shame, to be honest. Maybe if it did go on their records it would be more of a deterrant. As it is, we have kids shoplifting because they think they can get away with it, and then when they get caught, the first thing on their mind is whether they'll have to pay any consequences. Well, excuse me, but that's something you should think about before you steal and not after.

I'm not trying to be mean here, but I hope you're scared enough to remember this when you're next tempted to do it again.
As shrinkmaster noted though, it "might" show up on a retail theft data base that member companies subscribe to. (but that is about it)
I can add that the LP community tends to talk and especially in Mall settings. These LPs tend to know each other. If OP was to begin to work for another store or walked into a store its possible the LP could notify store.
Scaredforlife -- same thing happened to me today. Have you found out more? Did you get your letter?
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