Other Criminal Charges & Offenses GOT DETAINED BY POLICE...WAS FINED


New Member
hello everyone...last july i was detained ...and i say detained because they did let me go.....for selling illegal fireworks in california..inland empire...now i only got caught with 1 firework and they had a whole sting with like about 15 police officers ...too excessive i say and waste of resources but my opinion does not count here ...so i was detained given a ticket...and i do say that it was a ticket because it was yellow and with the police departments name on it...so when i look at the bottom of the tickets it says contact city hall ... so i get stopped by police and get a citation or ticket yet i have to contact city hall????...my question is why did i not get a chance to see a judge or a courtroom ???? i was detained like a criminal with all that extras...so i do that and i am getting fined around the ballpark of $3000 ...ive tried to contest the city fine 3 times now to no avail...last meeting took place with the city board members all voting on my issue...first and foremost are the city board members allowed to act as a judge???? my whole issue with the whole ordeal is the fine ....too excessive and all 3 attempts was just to lower the fine...is it time for a lawyer or can a lawyer do something for me ???
is it time for a lawyer or can a lawyer do something for me ???

Do yourself a favor, visit a couple lawyers and inquire.

Most lawyers will meet with your for about 30 minutes to discuss your concerns without charge or further obligation.

I'd tell you here, but you'll learn so much more by investing your time and effort to better understand something that seems to puzzle you.
@ mightymoose i just had the last hearing in march....and i showed up to meeting to let them know that i aint trying not to pay but police portrayed me as the el chapo of fireworks...i understand i did a mistake...so its long past to seek counsel ???? i tried to resolve myself but at this point i see that my voice doe snot mean nothing ...

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