Got fired, employer wont pay my last week check

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Hi all, i have a question,

i am a web designer in Florida. Recently (like a month ago) got fired. A little background. the company is a tech company of about 9 people. Every one eventually got fired because they are loosing money. My situation is a little different. I was let go once. Then called back for double pay. Once i started working they said they couldnt pay me and i had to work 3 days out of the week. This meant it was a scam to get me back and make the same pay i was before. no raise. what ever. i was happy to be employed again.
Now what happened is that we had a website due for a dentist. they pay half now and half when its done. The company was running out of money and charged the dentist the full amount way before the site was done,just to make payroll. The dentist complained, i had to be the patsy to take the fall and get the deal back. i did . After this, they would tell me my job was on the line if i didn't finish it. So because of their money woes, i was the one too suffer. my company harrassed me on my days off, (10 calls minimum) so i was technically working on my days off without pay. they expected me to work without pay on the weekends to compensate for my 3 meager days. They cut the projected time for the website in half and told me i had to get it done before my meeting on Monday with the dentist. (once again implying i work on the weekend no pay). mondays were one of my days off but i had been going into work on monday because they would schedule my meetings that day.(didn't make sense)why would they cut my days only to make me come in on my days scheduled off? anyway to the point.
On Monday i didn't have the site done. I called the dentist to explain that i had to cancel, but the site would be completed in a few days. She didn't get the message on time and i was fired before she got it.
my work called me and said i was fired because i F@cKed them, and that they found someone else to complete the site. Its been 3 weeks, and the site was never finished and im guessing they had to refund the money. Now its been 3 weeks and they haven't written my paycheck for the one week i worked before i was fired. after avoiding my calls, they finally said i cost them 6 grand and that they are not going to write me a paycheck. what legal action do i have?

of course not completing the work is my only downfall but that was because

- My timetable was cut severely(make me work 3 days but expect work to be completed even quicker than full time)
- they expected me to work on my days off, especially the weekends
- they hire and fire people on a dime. When they get alot of bids, they hire, when it slows down, they fire. makes sense but what about the people they hire? are they just pieces of meat who are tossed away once things are done? theres no humanity in that.

what can i do to get my paycheck?

ps they also told my family when they called the office that i was fired because the bars were too important to me. i havent been to a bar in 3 months. and even when i go its for dinner etc. not drunken binges. I certainly didnt go during the week. is this defamation?

sorry for all the info. i hope someone can clarify this for me.

also i am not a citizen. i am here on OPT.

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You are in the wrong state for an easy answer. If you were in almost any other state, I'd tell you to file a claim with the state DOL. But Florida does not have a state DOL any more. The US DOL will only help you retrieve minimum wage (Federal minimum wage, which is lower than Florida minimum wage) times hours worked. So your best bet is to sue them for your wages in small claims court, assuming that the amount qualifes.

Since you suffered no damages based on what he said to your family, you do not have a defamation claim.
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