got hit by a car, broke ankle, need some advice

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so to not more anyone with a long explanation, ill make it quick, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2 months ago, i was hit by a car when i got out of my car in a parking lot, the other car forgot to put his car in break and it rolled towards me when i got out of my car, pinned my legs, went to ER, etc. etc. ended up with a fracture in the ankle
got a lawyer and they are taking care of my case. they sent me to a podiatrists and was and still am going for treatment. My ankle is now 90% better, but lawyer is telling me/ asking me that i should go see another doctor for MRI's.
my question is, since my ankle is almost better, do i really need to go get MRI's and seek further treatment on my ankle? I know its probably because they want to collect more money from the insurance, but how does this work, if i see more doctors that the lawyer assigns , does the money that is accumulated go all towards these doctors and i see less of it myself, or is it better if i keep going and seeing doctors because we all ending up getting more? any help would be grand, thanks everyone
so to not more anyone with a long explanation, ill make it quick, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2 months ago, i was hit by a car when i got out of my car in a parking lot, the other car forgot to put his car in break and it rolled towards me when i got out of my car, pinned my legs, went to ER, etc. etc. ended up with a fracture in the ankle
got a lawyer and they are taking care of my case. they sent me to a podiatrists and was and still am going for treatment. My ankle is now 90% better, but lawyer is telling me/ asking me that i should go see another doctor for MRI's.
my question is, since my ankle is almost better, do i really need to go get MRI's and seek further treatment on my ankle? I know its probably because they want to collect more money from the insurance, but how does this work, if i see more doctors that the lawyer assigns , does the money that is accumulated go all towards these doctors and i see less of it myself, or is it better if i keep going and seeing doctors because we all ending up getting more? any help would be grand, thanks everyone

The reimbursement of any medical expenses does not lower any potential reimbursements or awards you will get.

The more medical visits you make, however, do potentially increase the award or settlement that you may receive.

The money aside, with injuries such as yours, you never know what can happen in the future.

An MRI will give you more peace of mind.
It also might uncover some injuries not otherwise diagnosed.

If it were me, I'd take any additional medical consults and tests until I know I am 100%, not just 90%!
very well, thank you for the great advice, since this was my first major incident that involved hiring an attorney, im still learning as things progress.
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