Got tickets for a hit and run but was never involved!

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I got 7, yes 7 tickets for an alleged hit and run that I have absolutely no clue what it is about. I was on the road the date, around the time, and around the mile marker of the alleged accident but I was never involved, nor have any knowledge of the (or any) accident.

Upon learning of the tickets I immediately took my vehicle to the police station that was responsible for issuing the tickets and had a police report filed that there was absolutely no damage to my vehicle. I had to hire a lawyer, take time off work and stress about this for a month now(and counting). I just went to court for my not guilty plea Tuesday.

When all these allegations are dropped can I sue this driver for my lawyer fees, loss of income, for time off work, or anything else? I believe this to be some kind of scam although I can not put my finger on exactly how it works. All I know is the cop issued 7 tickets on behalf of the driver of the vehicle that alleges I hit them.

I have no points on my license and also I hold a CDL which I would lose my job if I lose my license.

Also how do I get this drivers name and address so I can sue him?

I don't really even care about the money I just don't want this guy getting away with this and doing it to other people!

The 7 tickets were for: (not proper names)

1. leaving the scene
2. unsafe driving
3. reckless driving
4. improper lane change
5. causing a traffic jam ( this one has me lol ing)
6. leaving the scene with causing property damage
7. I forget the 7th
Anyone can sue anyone they choose.
So, yes, by all means,bring a lawsuit if you wish.
That said, don't expect much.
The person may ave made an honest mistake.
The person may not have told what the police told you.
Ths is a classic person A said about person B.

As is true in most things, first things first.

If person A is lying, expect a slew of liars to appear all screaming, with their bifurcated tongues, "J'accuse" ( I ACCUSE), crooked fingers pointing at you.

You might also run your civil lawsuit idea by your current attorney.
You did the smart thing, and you're still doing it.

Good luck.
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