Grand-Daughter's Death

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My grand-daughter was killed on March 17 th 2006 and the man that done this was driving drunk. He hit the van in which she was in and got out and looked around and left the scene. He was caught 8 to 8 an a half hours later. He had a restricted license and was brought in front of a magistrate and bail was high because he was deemed dangerous. But the only thing this magistrate put on him for stipulations or guideline s if he was ever bailed out was to give the court a permanent address where he could be reached. You guessed it he was out on bail within a month and he could go back to his old ways again and he did. A member of the family saw him at a diner and he was drunk and bragging he just came from a bar and this was right after he turned all his pleas of guilty into the judge. My niece phoned the State Police to come and pick him up before he could kill another family member and she waited there. No one came. It was later after I complained to them that they did finally look into it and found out that he was drinking again. But no one could testify or saw him driving. His final sentencing was on Dec. 8 instead of Dec. 21 because of concerns from this court. My question is simple he had a hardship license whay was it not taken? He was drinking why was there not any stipulations put on him while out on bail during the preliminary hearing?.The final action by the judge was a very deplorable act for a judge. He called the man callus and then stated he was giving him a second chance and upon his restitution this judge is sending him to a driver's school. This man already by this court and this county has been given too many chances already he has shown that he does not deserve that privilege to drive back after he has killed a 5 year old girl.
I am really sorry to hear about your granddaughters death. What exact information are you looking for? Where did this happen? What was he exactly convicted of?
This a horrible tragedy.

What is your legal question for us?
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