My 17 yr old daughter was arrested at her retail job and charged with grand larceny. She had been keeping customers receipts and then a day later using them to make returns to her own bank card or doing returns to cash. In total they said it was 3,000. She gave a statement to the store which was recorded and admitted to everything before police arrived. Once police arrived I was called and told her not to talk to anyone till she saw a lawyer. She was handcuffed, brought to the station, and charged with grand larceny then released shortly after on bail and given an appearance ticket.
This is her first offence. I'd like to know what I should expect for sentencing or what I should be asking the lawyer for ?
In the event she is found guilty there could be a very short jail term (days) and various fines and probation. Very often any jail time is suspended so long as the other terms are completed.
That is getting way ahead though.
As a juvenile and first offender the felony could be reduced to a misdemeanor and she may qualify for diversion options that are meant to set offenders straight.
She is fortunate you intervened when you did. An attorney can help make any recording or confession to store employees go way.... She surely made those statements under duress and only said them because she feared for her job and thought it was what her employer wanted her to say. She is an impressionable minor and was very scared and confused by it all, right???
Definitely get legal counsel for her. A best case scenario is likely fines and probation. She likely won't be able to get a job in retail again for several years. A worst case scenario is that they don't reduce it to a misdemeanor and she gets a felony record just as she is stepping out into the adult world.
Ask a lawyer what can be done to minimize the outcome. There WILL ultimately be a consequence. Good legal counsel can help make it hurt less.
As a first time offender and juvenile it is unlikely to get jail time.... However she is nearly an adult, her offense required repeated actions, and it is a felony, so there is potential for a very short stint as an eye opener.
The odds are against it though. It is harder and harder to get into jail for non violent offenses.
I am a Retail theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. I have conducted interviews like one your child went through. A lawyer will guide you on what to do next but yes it was wise to not answer any further questions and her Lawyer might get confession removed as stated above. Keep in mind Miranda does NOT apply to this interview. Keep any documents she got following interview and copies of anything she signed. The interviewers are trained to word things a certain why to avoid losing the confession so its important you get these and give to your Lawyer. Do NOT discuss this with ANYONE other that the Lawyer and do NOT put any details, names, location etc on ANY internet site or public place.