grandfather suing for custody? (oh, there's more)

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So... Where do you start? Last year, I filed charges against my brother for rape and incest. I had several pregnancies, but one made it -- a precious boy. I love him to bits. The only real evidence we have, concrete, is the DNA results. Got them back, he's been indicted, and there's a DVO (restraining order) on him. He can't come near me or my son. My whole family wants me to drop these charges, but especially the DVO. Because "he has a right to see his kid." (A pedophile and a rapist? No. I don't think so.) This past Sunday, I went to the ER for anxiety. Hoping they'd give me something and send me home. I was admitted to the psych ward. I called my dad to watch him while I was away. He then pulls my son out of school the rest of the week and leaves my animals home alone. Five days, no food or water. The paperwork my dad wrote up said I was neglecting my son and I had mental issues. My son will be five next month. I have depression, but anyone will vouch and say I take care of my son. I also attend counseling and take medication. So, it's under control. But emergency custody was granted because of these lies. He told them I thought my son didn't exist just because I had his room packed up. (We're moving.) The paper was crazy. Seriously. And then, THEN, as if this wasn't foul enough... The lady my dad is shacking up with? Works for the county courthouse, for the judge. Right under the judge's nose. If I can't get this moved to another county, I'll lose my baby. I know I will. And worse, my brother filed to have the DVO amended so he could see MY son. They've planned this for a while. His paper took two weeks to get to me. I told my dad he'd never have his grandson for the weekend again after the stunt he pulled with school. Then they filed for this. A nurse handed me the papers 4pm Friday. What am I supposed to do? I tracked down the sheriff at his house (small town) and showed him the papers. He said I couldn't go get my son, and couldn't contact him until Wednesday. I don't know if my dad has taken him to go see my brother, and I know he's not in school. He was in kindergarten, and my dad wants him in preschool. They never approve of homeschool. I feel so sick to my stomach. I can't protect my son. What do I do? I have a rocky history with my depression, but I'm doing okay now. My dad draws disability and is a heart patient. Also, a couple I go to church with fosters children. If I can't have him, can't they move to have him sent to this couple where I know he's safe?
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