grandparents trying to take my daughters baby

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My daughter is 20 yrs old and she lives in lawton Oklahoma. she was staying with her bf's parents and they kicked her out, shes homeless so I purchased her and her baby a plane ticket, he bf's was ok for her to come while they got back on their feet and now the Grandparents got involved so they took they baby and she is out on the streets. If she comes here to Georgia with me (mother) what are the chances she can get her baby back. Grandparents do not have custody but they brainwashed the daddy and now he dont want to let her come. She has no money and no where to live. What are her rights as the mother. The police said they cannot do anything. and the BF has hit her plenty of times..Please help
Has the boyfriend established paternity? She has plenty of rights, the grand parents have little to no rights and the bf only has rights if he has established paternity. Tell your daughter to go to the county seat and file for a warrant to arrest the grandparents for interference with custody. They have no right to take the child unless a judge says they can.
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