Grandson accused of smoking marijuana

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New Member
Our local school has found my Grandson guilty of smoking Marijuana on school property before the start of school. He has been suspended from school for the rest of the year. We have been to the school board they upheld the superintendent's decision.

On November the 27th my grandson was with friends in the school parking lot before the start of school. They were smoking cigarettes which is against school policy, too. He was called from last hour class and told that 5 students reported to the principal that he was smoking marijuana that morning in the parking lot. He allowed them to do a search of his locker and person. They even smelled his clothing. He offered to do a drug test. He was suspended from school for 10 days while they reviewed his case to determine if further action would be taken.

We finally found a lab to do an independent test and all results were negative.
Because the appearance of his urine was clear the school rejected the findings, stating he could have flushed his system.

There was a student smoking marijuana on the grounds and despite his not wanting to we made my grandson tell school officials. So far we cannot seem to get a copy of the statements made or what other so called facts the Administration has.

We have followed the board of education steps for this. We are not a rich family and cannot really afford to hire a lawyer so I am at a loss of how to proceed. I want my grandson back in school and his named cleared of this false charge.
The school cannot supply you with much information as the involved parties are minors. In fact, unless you are the legal guardian of your grandson, they shouldn't be providing you with even THAT information.

The student and his guardians may appeal the process through the channels provided under your un-named state's laws ... usually this is through the school administration and then the superintendent and then the school board.

- Carl
We have been through the proper channels in this matter as I had already stated. The school board of directors for Missouri District R-5 upheld the decision.
And yes I am aware it is difficult because everyone is minors in this. I am not asking for anything except an explaination of the facts that formed the basis for his suspension. This is a very small town and other then rumors of what was said we have been given no information. I do not know how to dispute something when you do not know what to dispute.
You MAY have to engage an attorney to look into the matter. Schools are notoriously ill-equipped to provide legally redacted copies of events such as this, and most are understandably fearful about inadvertently violating the law when it comes to releasing information.

We again come back to the question: Are you the child's legal guardian? If you are not, then you are not entitled to ANY information at all.

- Carl
Yes, I have legal right to ask these questions...btw And all the paper work is in his school file. :)
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