Was at Frys market with my boyfriend shopping for a birthday cake and gifts. I got a football team purse that had a team towel inside it. I also got a team keychain. Last I got 3 toys. While standing at bakery waiting for cake to be completed I grabbed a store grocery bag, the kind you purchase for reuse since we would be walkin home I thought would be better than the usual plastic., while in checkout my boyfriend and I argued about prices for toys so I walked to front of store for store add and I was detained by store clerk. She took me to a room and said I was gonna walk ouy store . I told her to let me go and explained to her I was grabbing add but she insisted I was lying. I asked them to call my boyfriend and he would clarify and she said no police were on way. I was devistaded and thought I would be released as soon as police arrived, long story short I was cited for shoplifting and currently awaiting trial. I've looked up az shoplifting laws and it states that one can be detained for probable cause, in my case for concealing the items inside the store bag which was the 3 toys inside store bag which I intended to purchase. These bags are put out for customers to purchase as I intended to do if price was correct in add. I really can't afford an attorney and I'm worried. Please offer any advise.