Thank you for your reply. And no, I wasn't planning on taking the word of any random person on these forums. I posted this, or a similar, thread on several legal forums. It was my intention to gather a common consensus before persuing more official inquiry. My roommate doesn't want to ask his parole officer because that may incite a more thorough search of the home. Not that they'd find anything as my firearms are no longer on the property, but it's just a hassle and a bit discomforting having a stranger go through your entire home searching everything. And if I were to get my CCW, then I WOULD carry wherever I went unless I was barred from doing so. Especially around strangers. And no, my roommates are not strangers and he's only an ex-con because he was once a dumb teenager who did some dumb things. He's a good guy and I definitely don't want to see him go to prison because I had a gun in the house. It's not about any sort of fascination with guns in general, it's about comfort in the knowledge of the added security. My neighborhood isn't the worst in the city, but it IS right next to some pretty impoverished neighborhoods, which makes for a higher likelihood that I will have cause to use my weapon. Now I hope I never NEED to use one of my weapons, but you don't buy a firearm with the intention of using it, you buy it in case the need arises. It's like having insurance. You don't purchase insurance because you intend to have your house burn down, get in a car accident or go to the hospital. You purchase insurance so that you are prepared in case something DOES happen. I was once shot walking to Quik Trip while minding my own business by a complete stranger for no reason other than he felt like shooting someone. They never caught him. Now, I'm a great shot and a quick draw and if I had had a weapon at the time, there would be three less gangbangers roaming the streets of my city. But, ever since then, I have not felt secure without a weapon and it bugs the hell out of me that my weapons are not here. Needless to say, I'm am currently out of my comfort zone.