H.O.A. harassment

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New Member
I am renting a town home in the city of Upland, California. The home owners association board members, specifically the board president started harassing us soon after moving in. The CC&R's stated that privately owned trucks 3/4 ton and under were exempt from rules regarding parking in the community past 8 p.m. The board sent us a violation notice and threatened to tow our 1/2 ton truck from the community. This went on for 9 months and then the matter was brought to court. The judge told the home owners association that they could not tow our truck nor could they fine the owner for our continuing to park within the complex. The judge explained that per their own rules and regulations, we were not in violation of anything. We moved out of the town home we had been renting and into another within the same complex. As we were moving into this unit, the board sent our new landlord a letter telling him that he needed to be aware of the history we had with the board and to be advised that they would tow our vehicle and fine him should we continue to park within the complex. The board president has made it her mission to keep sending violation notices to us claiming that we are breaking rules that are in the CC&R's but these rules cannot be found anywhere. We have sent emails to the property management contracted by the HOA stating that we have a copy of the rules and are unable to find the section we are accused of violating and never receive a response. The the most recent notice we received was addressed to the owner of our unit asking him to attend a hearing with the board members. Do I have the right to attend this meeting as well? I have went to a regular HOA meeting in the past only to be told I didn't have the right to speak. This upcoming hearing would seem to need me to be there as the board is asking questions only I can really answer. What are my rights in this matter? I appreciate any advise. Thank you! Jo
You are NOT an owner. You have no rights with the HOA.
The HOA represents the owners.
If you're smart, move.
HOAs are nazis.
Avoid them!!!!
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