Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft habitual felon and possession of stolen vehicle

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In the early spring, a close relative stole my car-I filed a report and about a week later he was pulled in my vehicle in a neighboring county, he was allowed to go and my car was iimpounded. I pressed charges (in my county)for larceny of a motor vehicle. This was the beginning of a crime spree that was in both counties-many felonies later, today he was sentenced as a habitual felon-all felonies in this county were dropped in exchange for his guilty plea- the only felony they kept was the larceny of my car. He received eight years. There are now pending charges in the other county involving several other felonies and a charge of possession of a motor vehicle- my vehicle. What I want to know is -is that charge a felony? How will it affect his trial there and can I have the possession charge dropped? Thank you
Once you make a police report it is up to the State to charge. That's why his case is: The State of North Carolina vs The felon.

That having been said the prosecutor does not have to listen to you about dropping charges. You can always ask though, and they will consider it. I have no idea how it will effect his other charges.
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