half the story.

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New Member
If a newspaper printed an article Front Page about you or a family member that was 1/2 incorrect and left out the 6 others involved and other incidents what can you do ? Because of this,
.My teens are having a hard time at school !They dont like hearing all the teens laugh and say cruel; very demeaning threats about the situation . It is like a nightmare , like a story on the Today show . Even the bus driver has stopped to talk about it .
You already asked this: http://www.thelaw.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29919

As I recall, the article wasn't half incorrect, it only told half the story. Have you contacted the newspaper to request they print a less biased version of the story, or contacted the newspaper's competitor (who might have a different social slant), or written a letter to the editor?
Hi all,

Yes, It is right, you to contact the newspaper to request they print a less biased version of the story, or contact the newspaper's competitor (who might have a different social slant), or written a letter to the editor?. It would be helpful to you. Does not it ? :D

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