Handicap greeter getting fired for missing working

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My nephew works for (discount store) in Lansing Michigan. He had to go into the hospital due to a pressure sore on his butt that got badly infected. He has been running a temp of 100 to 103 for the last 2 weeks. They have to go in and cut the dead tissue and clean out the wound. The doc's still don't know when he'll be discharged, it could be a month. He called the manager at (discount store) to let him know what is going on, he says that he doesn't have a job. This is due to him not being able to come to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My question to you is this legal?
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Unless he qualifies for FMLA, it certainly is. I suggest his caregivers learn to exercise proper hygiene techniques before a simple issue requires hospitalization.
The stories are getting sadder and sadder by the day.

Walmart maintain a very strict and rigid contact (call in) policy for illnesses.


They are not generous with sick days, and very tough when it comes to multiple absences.

If I recall correctly, four absences in a six-month period leads to disciplinary action.

The absences can result in termination.

The bigger problem for some employees (or associates as Walmart terms them) at Walmart is that when you are absent, you are required to call in each day.
If you fail to call, and more than 24 hours elapses, I've been told you will be terminated.

Is this essentially what occurred in your nephew's situation, "kbmadness"?
If FMLA applies, he could not be fired because he took FMLA, provided he gave enough information to his employer so that they could reasonably determine that FMLA applied and he submits the proper documentation from his doctor. If he violated the policy for reporting leave or does not qualify for FMLA, then yes, he could be let go in spite of his medical condition.
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