Handicap parking ticket

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I just recieved a ticket for parking in handicap zone , and the placard belongs to my father and he was dropped off earlier. So i was given a misdemeanor ticket and have to appear in court. My question is , if i plead guilty do i get a misdemeanor charge and a fine, or do i jutpay a fine and there will be nothing in my record.really appreciate any advice. Thanks
I just recieved a ticket for parking in handicap zone , and the placard belongs to my father and he was dropped off earlier. So i was given a misdemeanor ticket and have to appear in court. My question is , if i plead guilty do i get a misdemeanor charge and a fine, or do i jutpay a fine and there will be nothing in my record.really appreciate any advice. Thanks

This is simply a parking ticket, albeit a very expensive parking ticket, but nothing more.

The citation is issued against the car, not the driver.

Some creative people would dag the owner of the p,acard into court to state tat they had just been dropped off, or the driver was parked awaiting the owner f the Packard to arrive to be met and driven home!

Some people would pay te $300, $400 fine and forget it.

If this is paid, nothing more will happen and the matter ends.
I just recieved a ticket for parking in handicap zone , and the placard belongs to my father and he was dropped off earlier. So i was given a misdemeanor ticket and have to appear in court. My question is , if i plead guilty do i get a misdemeanor charge and a fine, or do i jutpay a fine and there will be nothing in my record.really appreciate any advice. Thanks
You say you were given a "misdemeanor ticket." Was this given to YOU? Or was it left on the car?

If you have a date for a court appearance than this is not a parking ticket.

What code section were you cited for?
The ticket was given to me in person and cited as misdemeanor. Its violation 4463.3. It wasnt a traffic court appearnce but a criminal court appearance
You may have gotten lucky ... that section is for an enhancement to the penalties applied for a conviction of CVC 4463 allowing for civil penalties up to $2,500.

4463.3. In addition to, or instead of, any fine imposed for
conviction of a violation of subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 4463,
the court may impose a civil penalty of not more than two thousand
five hundred dollars ($2,500) for each conviction.

You probably SHOULD have been cited for CVC 4463(c):

(c) A person who, with fraudulent intent, displays or causes or
permits to be displayed a forged, counterfeit, or false disabled
person placard, is subject to the issuance of a notice of parking
violation imposing a civil penalty of not less than two hundred fifty
dollars ($250) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), for
which enforcement shall be governed by the procedures set forth in
Article 3 (commencing with Section 40200) of Chapter 1 of Division 17
or is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in a county
jail for six months, a fine of not less than two hundred fifty
dollars ($250) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or
both that fine and imprisonment, which penalty shall not be

It is likely that the DA or the city attorney will amend the cite or complaint against you prior to court.
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